WordPress Multisite Optimization

The company that develops an app for mobile gadgets approached us with the task of creating a multi-page website. We have developed a site and optimized it to make it work quickly and have high performance. Let’s look at what we got.

Images Optimization

It was important for the client that the image be uploaded to the site in 2x quality. In this case, one image would weigh approximately 1 MB. To satisfy the client’s requirements for image quality, but not to lose site loading speed, we proposed using a plugin that allows you to upload images via CDN. CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network of servers located around the world. Thanks to this, content is delivered to the end user several times faster.

In addition, our WordPress website developers have configured lazy loading of images. That is, the images are not loaded all at the same time, but on demand. Images are loaded when the user scrolls to them. This reduces the load on the server and browser.

In addition, we have set up automatic optimization of images when they are uploaded to the site. That is, all images are automatically converted to webp format. This is a modern and popular image format that provides high-quality images with low weight.

Codebase improvements

Code is the basis of any website. Code optimization during development is the key to fast and efficient work in the future. Our WordPress website developers performed the following steps for optimization:

  1. CSS minification. CSS is the code used to set styles. If the code contains extra characters, spaces, and comments, it is more difficult for the browser to analyze it and provide information to the user. We minified the CSS to optimize the codebase as much as possible.
  2. JS minification. Shortening the code leads to increased website loading speed. Our WordPress website developers removed unnecessary characters, carried out a comprehensive minification, and accelerated the loading of the website.

Work with Cache

Caching allows you to instantly load information when you open the site again. It plays an important role in web page optimization. We have configured and enabled site caching and also configured the preload cache. 

Optimization is an integral process of developing any website. If you want to get a fast and productive website with cool features, just write to us. We will analyze your project and offer the most optimal solutions. Write to us now and get a fast, multifunctional site in a short time!